About Crimson Disc

In October 2008, a couple of longtime online gamer buddies decided to work on some music together. One in Sweden, and the other in Australia. They put together a cover of Blue Monday, the seminal electro classic by New Order and well, it was a start. Within a couple of years they had recorded a couple of tracks for an EP called Basic Songs, by Wolf’s pet project, machine messiahs. Then came a time of hibernation, whilst Camou’s life was thrown around in different directions by different forces.

After a few years of promised restarts and wistful remembrances on Facebook, in mid 2018 Camou was settled enough to get back into the game. Wolf had continued to put out singles with the messiahs so they reconnected and started to work on a future messiahs album.

Growing up in country Victoria, Camou now resides in Melbourne and loves it there. “Took me a long time to get here, but yeah, I love its culture and history. Any city has both a life and a darkness,” he says. Originally from Stockholm, Wolf is located in a township not far from Malmö. He loves the wildlife of Skåne County. “I find it invigorating. It’s the simplest workout possible, plus you get to see the beauty of nature at the same time. Beats the stationary bike by a mile!”

Feeling slightly restrained by the body of messiahs work and not wanting to detract from that (which Wolf still continues with other local Swedish musos) but feeling some fresh enthusiasm, they decided to strike out in a new direction. New name, Crimson Disc, different, more narrow focus towards trying to replicate successful rock styles that they enjoyed in the past.

“I felt there was room for new songs, songs from within my journey, our journey, with a current day message that rocked with the vibes of yesteryear. There were solid reasons why many of us enjoyed old songs, and still do, so why should we be limited by fashion and bound by the past?” says Camou in a reflective moment. “You are not dead by the time you are 30, 40, 50, 60 etc. Yes, you crave the hit of hearing certain songs for the first time on the radio back in the day, so we figured, why not try to serve both masters, the old and the new.” As Status Quo sang, “Whatever you want!”

Drawing from a wide musical past, common to those with some age and a rock bent; Beatles to Blondie, Pink Floyd to Post Malone, Beethoven to Sex Pistols – anything with a groove, a tune and some good lyrics has the attention of these guys.

On music: “I mean guess it depends, doesn’t it? I love the bombastic finale of a Beethoven symphony, but I might just as well groove along to a Bowie tune from the early 70’s,” says Wolf. “I have to stop him putting Ska backbeats in nearly every song,” grins Camou, as Wolf fake frowns. “Well, you gotta love the brutal energy of a good ska song, right?” Camou nods, but watchfully, as to give assent, but not too much encouragement to his old friend.

So what will we expect from Crimson Disc in the future? “Fun and reflection, with a good dose of rhythm and a strong beat,” says Camou. “Yeah, let’s do that,” says Wolf.

Crimson DIsc